

Our company offers designing services for special needs starting from concept to manufacturing. We deal with product feasibility study, modelling, production drawings as well as commercial material. We can design bespoke machinery that can't be bought at regular market. We will help to develop, execute tests and improve your new concept or existing machine. Our good organized team offer 3D modelling, 2D manufacturing drawings of the machinery and mechanical (stress, static) calculations.

We do also prepare hydraulics and pneumatics as well as electrical systems.


  • Automotive - vehicle's hydrostatic drives,
  • Hydraulic systems for presses...EN ISO 16092 - Machine Tools Safety - Presses...., cylinders for presses,
  • Mobile Elevating Work Platforms acc. to standard EN 280 
  • Road-rail vehicles, rail drives EN 15746 - Railway - Track - Road-rail machines
  • Vehicle mounted machinery (work platforms, loader cranes)
  • Liftig machinery (EN 1493 - Vehicle lifts, EN 12999 - Cranes. Loader cranes, EN 13000 - Cranes. Mobile cranes),


We've developped a number of drive solutions for road-rail vehicles. Most desired (prefered) drives for rail service works are solutions with drive and braking by rail whees (9A and 9B category vehicles) as tyres are kept high and there is no risc of a collision with the track management and safety devices.

Below you can see our hydrostatic drive that can be use on lightweight vechicles (5-7 ton) rail drive as well as heavy machines.

The system is powered from oil pump of variable discharge attached to Power Take Off.

Ivec DSC03465m
IvecoDSCF2766 m
Ma DSC02671m
Man DSC08305m


The photos above show a press' hydraulic system combining two cycles:

first cycle is a fast advance gravity fall of a platen while oil is being sucked into cylinder through a prefill valve, the second cycle is maintaining the pressure by an internal geap pump driven by a servomotor. The switching position between cycles is defined by a certain platen position.


  • Short shutting time of a tool.
  • Extremly low electric energy consumption when final pressure is being maintained by a small displacement pump. The tool load can be kept for a several minutes and is not heating the oil as pressure is maintained by a servomotor at no oil drained by an overflow valve. (in standard press solutions the pressure is maintained by overflow valve whitch is a significant heat source).
Dar2 IMG 2356m
Dar3 IMG 2363m

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Machinenbau Büro
Companies House registration number: 11950373

Tomasz Sienczak MSc. eng.
mob. UK +44 7427755022 (WhatsApp available)
mob. PL +48 504910343

© Machinenbau Büro Inbiuro 2019